Intuit Link

 Client Portal

Referring Friends & Family - $1,000 Cash or Invoice Credit 

Referring friends & family pays off! For every referral you provide, that becomes a client, $1,000 dollars is deducted from your tax preparation fee at the time of billing. You can have an unlimited amount of referrals. If you have extra referrals, you can use it for next year's tax preparation fee or request cash.  Word of mouth is the strongest form of advertisement. Why spend thousands of dollars on an ad campaign, when Legion would rather reinvest in its client base. Exceeding your expectations keeps you with us.

Important Note

This login portal can only be used until you have accepted the client portal invitation that was emailed to you. We aim to send this email on the third Saturday of January of every year. The title of the email is "LEGION ACCOUNTING GROUP 20XX LINK EMAIL - IMPORTANT TAX MATTERS." Once you have accepted the client portal invitation, you can access Intuit Link portal through the login button below or through the email that was sent to you. This does not affect prior years' access. 

Our client portal is Intuit Link. This allows our clients a secure way to answer the tax questionnaire and upload sensitive documents to Legion. You can access Intuit Link through a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer. To begin you must accept the invitation email sent to you by our firm. Returning clients can access their past year documents anytime they wish.


Client Resources